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We are Saskia and Martin and we love the space, tranquillity and life here in France, with our Shiloh Bliss, our cats Siem and Soofie and our old horse Tim. We have lived in the Lot region of France since 2001, where we run a Bed & Breakfast in a former monastery called Le Prieuré.

Both of us grew up with dogs. Previously, we had two Alaskan Malamutes, both of whom lived for more than 13 years.

After the death of our last Malamute, a new phase in our lives began. This time, we wanted a shepherd-like dog, a companion who was intelligent, easy to train and who would form a strong bond with us.


Our search for a gentle shepherd led us to the Shiloh Shepherd. After gathering a lot of information, we discovered that the Shiloh Shepherd not only looks impressive, but also has a beautiful and sound philosophy underpinning its breeding policy. What sets this breed apart from other shepherds is its emphasis on health and temperament: two qualities that are invaluable to us, especially when it comes to a shepherd dog. A visit to the only Shiloh breeder in Europe, based in the Netherlands, confirmed that this breed would meet our needs. So we decided to put ourselves on the waiting list for a Shiloh puppy.

In 2014, the first shepherd Shiloh Shepherd came into our lives, but we had to travel all the way to Canada to pick her up first! Yara was a beautiful, sweet and incredibly intelligent dog. With a floppy ear, which made her even more endearing, she captured everyone's hearts. Her gentle and affectionate nature reinforced our belief that we had chosen the right breed.

In October 2020, Bliss came to live with us. Bliss has become a beautiful, energetic lady who is focused on her owners and prefers to ignore strangers unless they are her friends. What unfortunately did not work out with Yara, we hope to achieve with Bliss. Bliss has been confirmed suitable for the breeding programme.

The Shiloh Shepherd is a developing breed that requires a lot of time and energy from those who want to be involved. I (Saskia) saw the love and enthusiasm for the breed in the Dutch breeder. So I decided to take the US training to become an official breeder of the breed. I completed the training successfully in 2022 and can now officially call myself a Shiloh Shepherd breeder. I hope to contribute to the development of this beautiful breed in Europe.

We hope to breed a litter with Bliss in the future. When will that be? That depends on Mother Nature.

© 2024 Gallico Shilohs
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